With John Eastman

JOHN EASTMAN, Founding Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, GiveSendGo.com/Eastman Eastman’s first-hand work in shedding light on the 2020 presidential election What power do state legislatures have in choosing presidential electors? The…

With John Eastman

John Eastman, Founding Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, GiveSendGo.com/Eastman I spoke at length with John Eastman about his involvement in one of the most important developments of our time, namely the…

With Elliot Chodoff and Christine Douglass-Williams

ELLIOT CHODOFF, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services The importance of “speaking truth to power” Is Israel making progress against Hamas? The “infeasibility and unworkability” of a so-called two-state solution CHRISTINE DOUGLASS-WILLIAMS, Nine-time international…

Elliot Chodoff & Christine Douglass Williams

Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services I spoke with Eliot Chodoff about the importance of speaking truth to power, which I pray Benjamin Netanyahu will do with the United States Congress in…

Elliot Chodoff & Christine Douglass Williams

Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services I spoke with Eliot Chodoff about the importance of speaking truth to power, which I pray Benjamin Netanyahu will do with the United States Congress in…

With Bill Walton and Rabbi Pesach Wolicki

BILL WALTON, Host of The Bill Walton Show The latest information on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw as a candidate for the presidency Are Xi Jinping’s “difficulties” at home…

Secure Freedom Minute: Bibi’s Finest Hour?

Today may be Benjamin Netanyahu’s finest hour. If so, it will be because when Israel’s leader addresses a Joint Session of Congress, he will speak truth to power.   The truth is that Israel is…

BIll Walton & Rabbi Pesach Wolicki

BIll Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show I spoke with Bill about the latest information concerning the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the growing number of anomalies that raise serious questions about the…

With Dr. David Wurmser and George Rasley

DAVID WURMSER, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs, Center for Security Policy, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander An attack by the Houthis against Tel Aviv…

Dr. David Wurmser & George Rasley

Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy I discussed with Dr. David Wurmser, attack by the Houthi of Yemen against Tel Aviv, how it was accomplished and…

With Michael De Geus, Dr. David Wurmser and Grant Newsham

MICHAEL DE GEUS, Founder & CEO, Hero Beverage Co and Leatherback Gear, LLC DAVID WURMSER, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs, Center for Security Policy, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired,…

Sam Faddis & Elizabeth Yore

Sam Faddis, Former CIA Ops Officer I spoke with Sam Faddis about the questions that now are looming large about what actually happened that enabled the near assassination of President Donald Trump. And what it…

With Sam Faddis and Liz Yore

SAM FADDIS, Former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, Former Congressional Candidate, Editor, ANDMagazine.com, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis Questions surrounding what “enabled” the near assassination of Donald Trump “Hallowing out” of the…

With Col. John Mills, Tommy Waller and Stephen Bryen

COL. JOHN MILLS, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy The assassination attempt against President Trump Is there more to this case that the American people aren’t being told? TOMMY WALLER, President and CEO, Center for…

Col. John Mills, LTC. Tommy Waller & Dr. Stephen Bryen

Col. John Mills, Author of “The Nation Will Follow” I discussed with Colonel John Mills the assassination attempt against President Trump and what we’ve been learning that suggests there may be more to this than…