Committee on the Present Danger: China

The Committee on the Present Danger: China is a wholly-independent and non-partisan effort to educate and inform American citizens and policymakers about the existential threats presented from the Peoples Republic of China under the misrule of the Chinese Communist Party. Its purpose is to explain these threats that range from: the PRC’s accelerating military buildup; its active information and political warfare that targets the American people and our business, political and media elites; cyber warfare; and, economic warfare. The Committee takes no ideological point of view, rather it relies on the facts as reasonable people can understand them. Armed with these facts, the Committee believes Americans’ abundant common sense will prompt them to demand of their elected officials that all reasonable measures be taken to defend the United States, its vital economic interests, and the security of its citizens.

The Mission of the Committee

The mission of the Committee on the Present Danger: China is to help defend America through public education and advocacy against the full array of conventional and non-conventional dangers posed by the People’s Republic of China. As with the Soviet Union in the past, Communist China represents an existential and ideological threat to the United States and to the idea of freedom—one that requires a new American consensus regarding the policies and priorities required to defeat this threat. And for this purpose, it is necessary to bring to bear the collective skills, expertise and energies of a diverse group of experts on China, national security practitioners, human rights and religious freedom activists and others who have joined forces under the umbrella of the Committee on Present Danger: China.

  • Release | Food Insecurity: What the C.C.P. and its Friends Are Doing to Maximize Ours
    on July 19, 2024

    This week’s Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) webinar, “Food Insecurity: What the C.C.P. and its Friends are doing to Maximize Ours,” from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. ET today, Friday, July 19, will examine these developments, their ominous implications and those responsible, both abroad and here. Participants will also discuss the […]

  • Webinar | Food Insecurity: What the CCP and Friends are Doing to Maximize Ours        
    on July 18, 2024

    In May 2019, the Chinese Communist Party declared a “People’s War” on the United States of America. Years before, it had initiated “unrestricted warfare” against this country, using every available pre-kinetic technique to defeat us.

  • Release | Xi’s ‘Vote’ Can We Prevent the CCP from Helping Steal Our Elections?
    on June 28, 2024

    WASHINGTON, DC—In the course of the debate last night between a failing Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the issue of whether there will be a free and fair 2024 presidential elections featured prominently. And so it should. After all, the evidence is continuing to accumulate that the 2020 election was stolen and the prospects for at least as much […]

  • China and Artificial Intelligence: The Cold War We’re Not Fighting
    on June 27, 2024

    The public and the media are right to worry about a future dominated by artificial intelligence. But the threat is not coming from Silicon Valley, Big Tech, or the Deep State. It’s coming from Beijing, and much more than the runaway development both of artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) is at stake. The fate of societies and […]

  • Webinar | Xi’s ‘Vote’: Can We Prevent the CCP from Helping Steal Our Elections?        
    on June 25, 2024

    In the course of the debate last night between a failing Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the issue of whether there will be a free and fair 2024 presidential elections featured prominently. And so it should. After all, the evidence is continuing to accumulate that the 2020 election was stolen and the prospects for at least as much skullduggery this […]

  • Communist China: A Clear and Present Danger | Brian Kennedy, CPDC Chairman
    on June 19, 2024

    Jenny Beth Martin interviews Brian Kennedy, a national security expert, about the critical threats posed by Communist China. They discuss America’s missile defense vulnerabilities, the impact of EMP attacks, economic dependencies highlighted by the pandemic, and strategic measures for a robust national defense.

  • Release | What Must be Done to Win Xi’s War Against America?
    on June 19, 2024

    MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate Release June 19, 2024 CONTACT: Matthew Franklin, [email protected] “What Must be Done to Win Xi’s War Against America?” WASHINGTON, DC – The arsonist tag team of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are busily striking sparks into

  • WORLD WAR III: The Early Years | Charlotte, NC | June 27, 2024
    on June 18, 2024

    GET INFORMED about the THREATS, GET EMPOWERED to be PART OF THE SOLUTION. TOPICS: The Chinese Communist Party, Globalist Organizations, Cross-Border Invasion, Weaponized Judiciary, Elite Capture. FEATURING: Steven K. Bannon (via Skype), and Dr. John Eastman with Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy and James Lindsay, New Discourses, Brian […]

  • Webinar | What Must be Done to Win Xi’s War Against America?        
    on June 17, 2024

    This week’s CPDC webinar identifies what the United States can do at this late hour to deter and, if necessary, defeat the CCP and its “no-limit partner,” Russia, in Xi’s bid to institute a new, hegemonic world order “with Chinese characteristics.” We examine both offensive and defensive measures – including financial and economic […]

  • Release | Xi’s Barbary Piracy: The CCP Threat to Freedom of the Seas
    on June 14, 2024

    Washington, D.C. — Today is Flag Day and an appropriate occasion to reflect on the diminished presence of warships proudly displaying ours on the world’s oceans and an ominous consequence: Freedom of the seas is being increasingly threatened by the presence instead of hostile powers’ navies and what amount to pirates in a handful of […]