Secure Freedom Radio

Broadcasts weekdays
  • 5pm EST on Kingdom Keys Network
  • 11am EST on American Family Radio

Secure Freedom Radio is an hour-long, nationally syndicated, weeknightly “intelligence briefing” on the War for the Free World – the long-running conflict with various “existential threats to freedom” that my old boss, Ronald Reagan, warned every generation must fight and defeat. We engage the best minds in the security policy business to help you ensure we do just that.

Securing America with Frank Gaffney Podcast Watch Securing America live every weeknight at 11pm EST on Real America’s Voice

  • With John Eastman
    on July 26, 2024

    John Eastman, Founding Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, I spoke at length with John Eastman about his involvement in one of the most important developments of our time, namely the failed effort to have the truth properly evaluated and adjudicated concerning the 2020 election […]

  • Elliot Chodoff & Christine Douglass Williams
    on July 25, 2024

    Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services I spoke with Eliot Chodoff about the importance of speaking truth to power, which I pray Benjamin Netanyahu will do with the United States Congress in the course of the day.  We also talked about the truth on the ground with respect to progress against Hamas, the […]

  • Elliot Chodoff & Christine Douglass Williams
    on July 25, 2024

    Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services I spoke with Eliot Chodoff about the importance of speaking truth to power, which I pray Benjamin Netanyahu will do with the United States Congress in the course of the day.  We also talked about the truth on the ground with respect to progress against Hamas, the […]

  • BIll Walton & Rabbi Pesach Wolicki
    on July 24, 2024

    BIll Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show I spoke with Bill about the latest information concerning the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the growing number of anomalies that raise serious questions about the official storyline provided to date and the conduct of the Secret Service Director during congressional testimony yesterday.  We […]

  • Dr. David Wurmser & George Rasley
    on July 23, 2024

    Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy I discussed with Dr. David Wurmser, attack by the Houthi of Yemen against Tel Aviv, how it was accomplished and what it precipitated in the way of a massive retaliatory strike by Israel against the means by which Iran supplies the Houthi weapons and oil and […]

  • Sam Faddis & Elizabeth Yore
    on July 22, 2024

    Sam Faddis, Former CIA Ops Officer I spoke with Sam Faddis about the questions that now are looming large about what actually happened that enabled the near assassination of President Donald Trump. And what it says about not just the Secret Service but the entirety of the American national security establishment that has been subjected to years of […]

  • Col. John Mills, LTC. Tommy Waller & Dr. Stephen Bryen
    on July 19, 2024

    Col. John Mills, Author of "The Nation Will Follow" I discussed with Colonel John Mills the assassination attempt against President Trump and what we've been learning that suggests there may be more to this than the stories we've been told by, among others, the FBI, who claimed that the shooter acted alone far before they could possibly be […]

  • With Robert Spencer & Captain James Fanell
    on July 18, 2024

    Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch I spoke with Robert Spencer about the red-green axis, including a marriage between Alex Soros and Huma Abedin, and what this suggests is going on more generally among the communities of the radical left the Sharia supremacists here in the United States, in Europe, and France particularly, as well as in […]

  • With Dr. David Wurmser & Dr. Andrew Bostom
    on July 17, 2024

    Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy   I discussed a situation in Gaza that has not gotten the attention that it deserves, which is allegations that Christians are being persecuted there by the Israel Defense Forces.   David illuminated what's actually the threat to Christians both in Gaza […]

  • Kyle Shideler, Bill Walton & Kyle Shideler
    on July 17, 2024

    Gordon Chang, Contributor, Gatestone Institute & Newsweek I spoke with Gordon Chang about political and strategic developments in China and the United States. We also explored the prospects that internal pressures are creating a very high probability that Xi Jinping will go into active kinetic warfare, not just the unrestricted and people's […]