James Fanell, Ruthie Bloom & Trevor Loudon


Capt. James Fanell, Retired from the US Navy in 2015 concluding 30 year career as a naval intelligence officer specializing in Indo-Asia Pacific security affairs with an emphasis on the Chinese Navy, Former National Security Affairs Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University.  

I discussed with Captain James Fanell, the nature of and perils associated with the moment, freedom of navigation, and why it is and must be a priority for our country and its naval forces.
We also discussed the extent to which the Navy is preparing for the kinds of threats from the Chinese Navy operating in the Western Pacific.

Ruthie Bloom, Former adviser at the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, senior contributing editor at JNS, and co-host of “Israel Undiplomatic” on JNS TV.

We discussed an update on the state of the US government of Joe Biden and its betrayal of our ally Israel, the impact that it is having on the war effort in Gaza and in the northern parts of Israel against Hezbollah, and the extent to which this treachery must be among the things that Benjamin Netanyahu addresses when the Israeli prime minister visits with Congress next month.

Trevor Loudon, Creator of the documentary The Enemies Within (September 2016)  

I visited with Trevor Loudon about the menace posed to American sovereignty and interests by Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the World Health Organization.
We discussed the treaties that he is trying to impose upon us that would imperil our sovereignty and freedoms. 
We also discussed enemies within our country, including the increasing evidence that the FBI management is engaged in the oppression of American patriots, and not just those that are accused of involvement with January 6th.
Read More at Securing America with Frank Gaffney Podcast