Release | What to Do About the C.C.P.’S Weaponization of Cuba



For Immediate Release
June 29, 2023

Hamilton Strategies, [email protected],
Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105,
or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102

What to Do About
the C.C.P.’S Weaponization of Cuba:
Committee Unveils an Agenda for Action

WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) convened a webinar Tuesday to examine the state of the Sino-Russian “No Limits Partnership” in light of the revelation of the Chinese Communist Party’s military build-up in Cuba and the turmoil in Russia last week. The evidence presented underscores a great and growing danger arising from Xi Jinping’s Cuba gambit – including not only intensified signals intelligence collection from a new facility there but possibly also advanced cyberwarfare, missiles concealed in shipping containers (maybe among them hypersonic ones), biological warfare and electromagnetic pulse attacks.

These threats require the United States government to prevent such weaponization of an island 90 miles off America’s coast. That will require: a) the Biden administration to be willing to act to compel the CCP to reverse course; and b) the adoption of specific actions designed to incentivize the Chinese to do that and, whether they achieve this goal or not, will make necessary enhancements to U.S. security.

In the interest of advancing both those priorities, the Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) has developed and unveiled during the webinar twenty specific measures that are now needed. They include:

Giving the CCP 72 hours to begin removing the threatening personnel and capabilities from the island or face retaliation employing unrestricted warfare techniques of our own (see below). A failure of President Biden to do so must be added to the list of “high crimes and misdemeanors” now being debated in Congress to justify his impeachment.
Moving the United States onto a war-footing comparable to that the CCP has already adopted. This initiative should include the following steps:

Mobilizing the American people to recognize the mortal threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to establish power-projection capabilities in Cuba and enlist their support for correctives.
Terminating the CCP’s preferential access to U.S. capital markets, granted pursuant to a May 2013 Memorandum of Understanding negotiated under the direction of then-Vice President Joe Biden.
Precluding investments by Thrift Savings Plan participants in CCP companies.
Allowing no further U.S. purchases of Chinese sovereign bonds until the CCP pays American investors for all outstanding debts for which it is now responsible, an amount estimated to be in excess of $1 trillion.
Designating the CCP as a Transnational Criminal Organization and establish that its fellow-traveling “friends” among the “captured” U.S. elite will be considered accomplices to its criminal activity if they continue enabling the Chinese Communists’ unrestricted warfare against America.
If the People’s Liberation Army does not leave Cuba within 72 hours, giving ALL Chinese nationals currently in the United States 30-days to wrap up their affairs and leave the country.
Launching a tribunal to examine and prosecute the CCP for its ongoing crimes against humanity, including the murder of an estimated 100 million of its own people and another 400-500 million, mostly girl, babies in the womb.
Withdrawing the United States from and defund the World Health Organization, establishing that the America will not be subject to the greatly expanded powers in the process of being conferred upon the CCP’s proxies in its bid for “global governance” with Chinese characteristics.
Building on President Biden’s recognition of Xi Jinping as a “dictator,” the proposed TCO designation and a necessary focus on the CCP’s crimes against humanity to express solidarity with the people of China and further delegitimize the CCP.
Enhancing the deployment and readiness of U.S. air, land and sea assets in the Southern Command area of responsibility (AOR) and Northern Command’s AOR in the southeastern United States.
Formally reestablishing the Monroe Doctrine opposing the presence of foreign powers in the Western Hemisphere as the policy of the United States government and strive to counter that of adversary nations currently in place.

The complete list of recommended actions to prevent and respond to the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to weaponize Cuba can be found here.



To interview representatives of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, contact [email protected], Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102._______
Read More at Committee on the Present Danger: China