Robert Charles, LTC. Tommy Waller


Robert Charles, Former Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author of “Eagles and Evergreens”.   

Robert Charles and I discussed the dangers of an open border and the extent to which it’s contributing to lawlessness. 
We also discussed the insertion of potential fifth-column operators from the People’s Liberation Army in China and others.
We explored the contribution being made to the immense loss of life by our poorest frontier thanks to Chinese efforts to insinuate fentanyl and otherwise cultivate marijuana inside our country.

Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller, President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy

Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller and I discussed the extent to which our critical infrastructure, notably the electric grid, are at grave risk of being harmed by saboteurs, cyber warfare operatives, and others.
Read More at Securing America with Frank Gaffney Podcast