Secure Freedom Minute: Hooray for the New and Much-needed “Special Relationship”

By securingamerica
Secure Freedom Minute

President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu’s meeting yesterday may rank in historical, strategic importance alongside those of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill in the early years of World War II and the collaborations of Ronald Reagan with Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II at the Cold War’s zenith.

In each case, “special relationships” were forged that empowered embattled leaders to stave off and defeat their times’ “existential threats to freedom.” The partnership on display during Tuesday’s White House press availability, rooted in a shared commitment to victory over totalitarians seeking the destruction of both countries, can – and must – do the same in ours.

Most immediately, President Trump’s common sense declaration that Gaza has become uninhabitable sets the stage for the relocation of its populace and the first decisive loss contemporary Sharia supremacists have suffered in what is truly their “endless war” against Judeo-Christian civilization.

This is Frank Gaffney.
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