Secure Freedom Minute: Will Kamala Denounce the “Red-Green Axis”?

Vice President Kamala Harris met yesterday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and, unlike President Biden who did the same separately, she spoke to the press afterwards. Kamala simultaneously acknowledged Israel’s right to defend itself and sharply denounced how the Jewish State is doing so.   Presumably her remarks played well with the pro-Hamas rioters…

Secure Freedom Minute: Bibi’s Finest Hour?

Today may be Benjamin Netanyahu’s finest hour. If so, it will be because when Israel’s leader addresses a Joint Session of Congress, he will speak truth to power.   The truth is that Israel is fighting a war for Judeo-Christian civilization against Sharia-supremacists who seek her destruction and ours. Because Israelis are doing so, we may…

Secure Freedom Minute: Bibi’s Much-Needed Message to America

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come to Washington to speak directly to the American people via a Joint Session of Congress. It’s necessitated by the overt hostility he faces from a Biden-Harris administration determined to topple him.     Bibi’s message is expected to be…

Secure Freedom Minute: Dangerous Unfitness and the Liars that Enable It

Our country is in extremis. We face a world of dangerous enemies and panicking allies. And threats on the home front are at an unprecedented level.    At this juncture, we simply cannot afford to have the U.S. presidency in unfit hands. Yet, Joe Biden has been unfit for office at least since he ran…

Secure Freedom Minute: Bibi’s Better Idea – Crushing Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address Congress next week. The Biden administration continues pressing him to agree to a permanent ceasefire with Hamas, effectively translating into its victory over Israel.   Fortunately, “Bibi” increasingly has another option: Hamas’ complete defeat. Despite Team Biden’s incessant interference – aimed at dragging out the conflict, propping up…

Secure Freedom Minute: The WHO’s “October Surprise”?

Negotiators in Geneva are frantically completing a Pandemic Treaty, the second in as many months, designed to give the World Health Organization ominous new powers – ostensibly to deal with “public health emergencies of international concern.”    What’s the rush?   First, they need to get these “global governance” accords in place while Joe Biden…

Secure Freedom Minute: The Food Front in the CCP’s People’s War

As Republicans began their national convention yesterday, the Chinese Communist Party launched its Third Party Plenum. While the public agenda of this critical meeting is the need for economic reforms in China, it comes against the backdrop of a People’s War declared against the United States in May 2019.    People’s War entails a whole-of-society…

Secure Freedom Minute: Reject Joe Biden’s Freudian Slip

Despite the use Sunday night of a teleprompter during his nationally broadcast address concerning the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Joe Biden managed to utter twice a stunning Freudian slip.    He declared that, “In America, we resolve our differences at the battle box. You know, that’s how we do it, at the battle box, not with…

Secure Freedom Minute: Two Momentous Choices

Two impending decisions will tremendously impact both America’s political future and our national security amidst what is arguably the most dangerous strategic environment ever.   Joe Biden’s insistence that he will remain his party’s nominee and U.S. president intolerably exacerbates our present peril. The Chinese Communist Party and our other adversaries see an exploitable opportunity to…

Secure Freedom Minute: SAVE Us from Illegal Voting

Yesterday, amidst rising questions about President Joe Biden’s fitness to remain in office, House Democrats showed they’re unfit to govern. All but five of them opposed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, effectively endorsing the proposition that illegal aliens and other non-citizens should be able to vote in American elections.   In short, Team Biden’s…

Secure Freedom Minute: Hunter Biden’s Damaging Control

Suddenly, there’s a lot of interest in who is actually running the U.S. government. Not a few of us are concerned that the fact that we don’t know the answer may have profound implications for our national security.   That’s especially so given that Hunter Biden is reportedly playing an outsized role in his dad’s…

Secure Freedom Minute: Will NATO Leaders Mendaciously Campaign for Joe Biden?

This week in Washington, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will celebrate its founding seventy-five years ago. The party seems likely, though, to be as much a campaign event for Joe Biden’s reelection as a platform for affirming and renewing the alliance in an increasingly dangerous world.   It comes as Team Biden struggles to persuade…

Secure Freedom Minute: WIth Rabbi Pesach Wolicki

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Host of Eyes On Israel Rabbi Pesach Wolicki and I visited about spiritual warfare and what it is doing at the moment in the Holy Land to endanger not just the people of Israel and their nation but also Judeo-Christian civilization at the hands, particularly of the red-green axis, the Sharia supremacists,…

Secure Freedom Minute: With Troy Miller & Brian Kennedy

Troy Miller, President and CEO of NRB Troy Miller and I discussed what’s at stake this Fourth of July concerning freedom of speech and our other liberties and the efforts made by enemies, foreign and domestic, to constrain them, if not deprive them, deprive us of them permanently.  We also spoke of what is going…

Secure Freedom Minute: The Truth is Joe Biden is the “Congenital Liar”

Marxists’ favorite technique is the practice of blaming their opponents for the very behavior in which the Left is aggressively engaged. A prime example of such projection is the Democrats’ desperate post-debate efforts to defend President Biden by describing him as a man of “character,” in contrast to his opponent, Donald Trump, who they accuse…

Secure Freedom Minute: Pray – and Do Your Part – for America

As we celebrate today the independence from an unrepresentative, unaccountable and tyrannical foreign government that forged a new nation dedicated instead to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we must not only thank God for those blessings. We must pray for his help as we strive to “keep” our Republic.   That’s because enemies,…

Secure Freedom Minute: Believe Your Own Eyes on Biden’s Fitness

An immortal Marx Brothers line was, “Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?” After last week’s presidential debate, it’s the Democrat party line as they insist Joe Biden is completely fit to be president, despite what we all saw for ourselves.    That’s especially astounding given what the Democrats were themselves saying even…

Secure Freedom Minute: Will You Be the Next “Prisoner of War”?

Twenty years ago yesterday, Hong Kong was surrendered to the Chinese Communist Party. I was there, and the sense of impending doom was profound.    And with good reason. Four years ago yesterday, the CCP began in earnest what Barack Obama would call a “fundamental transformation” of Hong Kong. Now, it’s just another enslaved Chinese…