Secure Freedom Minute: Is the Chinese Communist Party Waiting on an ‘Old Friend’

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
For months now, the Chinese Communist Party has been brazenly intensifying the threat it poses to the democratically elected, pro-U.S. government of Taiwan.
Has this campaign to coerce the island’s submission to Beijing been synchronized with the Party’s one-two punch against us of a literally “viral” attack on this country and Communist China’s brazen intervention in our presidential race aimed at defeating Donald Trump? Not clear. What is, though, is that the PRC is poised to seize this moment to go for it in Taiwan.
The latest indicator is the announcement Saturday of the completion of a new high-speed railroad line to facilitate travel across the Taiwan Strait. This means even more force can quickly be brought to bear against America’s vital regional friend with little or no warning. God help both of our countries if it happens on Joe Biden’s watch.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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