Secure Freedom Minute: It’s Not “Terrorism,” It’s Sharia-supremacist Jihad

This morning, our Victory Coalition opens a new front in the war to save our country. My colleague, John Guandolo, and I will brief Steve Bannon’s vast War Room audience concerning a mortal threat we face here, as well as elsewhere.
Since at least 9/11, we’ve been told America confronts “terrorists” who inexplicably use violence against us and others. Actually, they are overwhelmingly Muslims who adhere to the Islamic totalitarian doctrine of Sharia and follow its dictates to engage in jihad to terrify and conquer.
Fortunately, not all Muslims practice Sharia. Unfortunately, the authorities of the faith and millions of others do – including those at war with Israel. They seek to inflict the same on us to achieve global Islamic domination.
If we are to survive, let alone prevail, we must recognize and act on these hard realities. Follow us at
This is Frank Gaffney._______
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