Secure Freedom Minute: SFM Common Sense Dictates America’s “Titanium Dome” be Space-based

For over fifty years, American leftists and establishment Republicans have opposed effective U.S. missile defenses, claiming our security depends on our being vulnerable to long-range missile strikes.
In 1983, Ronald Reagan challenged this insane policy. But his successors consistently limited our anti-missile capabilities, so much so that we remain essentially unprotected against all but the smallest attacks.
Fortunately, Donald Trump has promised a “revolution of commonsense.” In a world where Israel has suffered massive missile attacks and defenses against them are obviously needed, he has commonsensically declared America will have its equivalent of Israel’s Iron Dome.
Mr. Trump must make the centerpiece of an American Titanium Dome space-based sensors and interceptors that are the most effective and least costly way to dissuade missile-wielding enemies from attacking us and, if necessary, to prevent them from doing so.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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