The Choice: The Rule of Law

By securingamerica

We’re spending this month highlighting important choices that American voters will make in this Fall’s presidential election.  Today, I want to talk about the future of the rule of law in America.

It’s foundational to our constitutional Republic that we are guaranteed “equal justice under the law.” So much so that, in fact, those words are carved on the front of the Supreme Court. And yet, we have seen over the past four years mounting evidence that leading Democrats are determined to ensure their partisans are held to a different standard and, therefore, must not be subjected to the same laws that apply to Republicans and other mere mortals.

The most egregious example of this unequal treatment under the law is Hillary Clinton. In recent days, a succession of declassified documents have established what has long seemed obvious: The former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee sought to deflect attention from her illegal use of a private and unsecure server for her official emails and other communications arrangements that serially compromised national security. 

There’s a lot to this story. But here are the principal features according to memoranda made available of late by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe: Mrs. Clinton’s campaign decided to work with the Russian government, including one if its spies, to manufacture a narrative that her opponent, Donald Trump, and his team were “colluding” with the Kremlin to influence the election. 

To that end, the Democratic National Committee was enlisted to secure opposition research based on disinformation from Russian sources via a former British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele. Then, Clinton operatives worked with their allies in the Obama-Biden administration to use the so-called “Steele dossier” to launch official investigations and surveillance of members of the Trump campaign and family.

These revelations provide, at last, official confirmation of what has been gleaned to date by  successive inspector general, congressional and non-governmental inquiries. But we should not be surprised to now have it established that Hillary Clinton lied. After all, way back in 1996, the late New York Times columnist William Safire tagged her as a “congenital liar.”  This diagnosis has been repeatedly confirmed over the years since. For example:

  • Hillary Clinton serially lied about, and thereby enabled, her husband’s alleged rapes and other sexual misconduct.
  • Hillary Clinton lied about various pay-to-play schemes benefiting the Clinton Foundation – and her family – when she was Secretary of State, including selling to the Russians much of the country’s uranium deposits and many very sensitive dual-use technologies. 
  • Hillary Clinton lied about the nature of the murderous jihadist attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya. 

To date, Hillary Clinton has not been held to account for any of these and many other, similarly reprehensible, unethical and in some cases illegal actions.  And, it seems predictable that, if Joe Biden is elected president, Mrs. Clinton will do so permanently.

After all, there is a record of Democratic administrations protecting their own. In addition to the lengths to which the Obama FBI and Justice Departments went to obstruct justice concerning Hillary’s email scandal and other misconduct, there’s a little-noted example that has had far-reaching implications – and has the prospect of being an even bigger problem should the so-called Harris-Biden administration come to power.

In 2008, the U.S. government successfully prosecuted five Sharia-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood operatives associated with an Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation for fundraising for a designated terrorist group, the Brotherhood’s Palestinian franchise, Hamas. Over 300 individuals and groups making up a Who’s Who of the Muslim Brotherhood’s vast organizational infrastructure in this country were publicly identified as unindicted co-conspirators.

The George W. Bush administration reportedly intended to prosecute some number of those conspirators once it had successfully taken down the low-hanging fruit of the Holy Land Foundation. Unfortunately, that plan was derailed after Barack Obama was elected and appointed Eric Holder to be his Attorney General. 

It’s clear that Donald Trump has been profoundly frustrated by an FBI and Justice Department that are supposed to have been working under his direction for the past four years. Yet, they have consistently failed to do much better than his predecessor’s administration with respect to applying equal justice under law to well-connected Democrats and their allies. 

We’ll see what comes of his tweet last night that announced he had “fully authorized” the total declassification of any and all documents” regarding Hillary’s Russia hoax and email scandal. 

If Mr. Trump is reelected, he will likely make a concerted effort to overcome the Deep State-riddled swamp that has impeded so much of his presidency to date. We can expect him to bring to justice those who have not yet faced it, thanks to their party affiliation or political ties. Alternatively, if Joe Biden is elected, unequal justice under law seems likely to persist and further erode public confidence in our constitutional republic.

The choice is yours.

Next up, a serious conversation with comedian Evan Sayet, author of an important new, anti-socialist manifesto called “The Woke Supremacy.”