With Dede Laugesen & Dr. David Wurmser


Dede Laugesen, Executive Director at Save The Persecuted Christians
I had an amazing conversation with Dede Laugesen about a Freedom Prayer X Spaces event that took place in the run-up to the convening of the World Health Organization’s meeting, which is expected to produce a new global dictator for public health in the person of Tedros Ghebreyesus.


Dr. David Wurmser, Dir. of CSP’s Program on Fighting Global Anti-Semitism
Dr. David Wurmser and I spoke about the myriad efforts to take down both the government of Israel and the nation itself, the Jewish state itself.
We explored the evidence in recent rulings by supra-national entities, recent actions by supra-national entities, like the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, and also what might happen next if the World Health Organization.
Read More at Securing America with Frank Gaffney Podcast