Secure Freedom Minute: It’s Not a Ceasefire, It’s a Hudna

The joyous return of three Israelis held hostage and abused by Hamas for fifteen months cannot obscure the reality of the deal that set them free: It’s not a ceasefire, it’s a hudna – a temporary pause jihadists use to emulate a diabolical strategy practiced by Islam’s prophet Mohammed.
When Muslims adherent to Sharia’s totalitarian doctrine are losing a conflict, they agree to suspend the fighting, then use the time to regroup, rearm and, when it suits them, renew the bloodletting to destroy the enemy.
The images of operatives and civilians in Gaza and jihadists elsewhere celebrating “victory” is all the evidence one needs that a true and enduring regional peace is not in prospect. Before Hamas gets the resources, time, and jihadist reinforcements Israel is obliged to supply pursuant to this hudna, the plug must be pulled on a predictable disaster.
This is Frank Gaffney._______
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