Secure Freedom Minute: “Our Long National Nightmare is Over”

Gerald Ford’s remark on the occasion of his inauguration that “Our long national nightmare is over” kept running through my head as I watched Donald Trump’s second one yesterday.
It’s a source of indescribable happiness that a presidency run by unknown, unaccountable, and radical leftists was finally done – and with it a wrecking operation that relentlessly assaulted our constitutional Republic and the national security.
The moment was made all the more delicious by President Trump directly repudiating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to their faces for what was done on their watch.
For example, he took them to task for: ravaging our economy; unleashing millions of illegal aliens across the country; and imposing cultural Marxism’s “Woke” divide-and-conquer strategy on our military and government more generally.
President Trump then immediately initiated corrective actions via over two hundred executive orders.
Praise the Lord.
This is Frank Gaffney._______
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