With Bill Walton, Grant Newsham and George Rasley

BILL WALTON, Host, The Bill Walton Show The recent collapse of First Republic Bank Why are U.S. banks continuing to collapse? Are China and the U.S. “on the brink” of war? What would happen to U.S. investments in China if war broke out? GRANT NEWSHAM, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Senior Research Fellow, Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, Contributor, Asia…

With Todd Bensman, Greg Scarlatoiu and Christine Douglass-Williams

TODD BENSMAN, Senior National Security Fellow, Center for Immigration Studies, former Department of Homeland Security official, Author, Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History,  America’s Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration, @BensmanTodd How bad is the southern border crisis? The impact of Title 42 ending…

With Col. Grant Newsham

GRANT NEWSHAM, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Senior Research Fellow, Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, Contributor, Asia Times, @NewshamGrant: How China has been “attacking” the United States for 30 years The United States’ reliance on China for medial supplies Why do most American reporters not give faithful reports on China? Where are U.S. retirement dollars going that are invested…

With Bill Walton, P.M. Salih Hudayar and Dr. Jennifer London

BILL WALTON, Host, The Bill Walton Show The impact of Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News The Southern Hemisphere aligning itself with China Is the U.S. undermining the value of the dollar? Has the United States lost its “moral leadership”? PRIME MINISTER SALIH HUDAYAR, Founder, East Turkistan Awakening, Prime Minister, East Turkistan Government-in-Exile, @SalihHuayar: Crimes against humanity the Chinese…

With Jonathan Emord, Bill Marshall and Rick Green

JONATHAN EMORD, Constitutional law attorney and author of The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free Enterprise from the 19th Century to the Present (2021) A recent Supreme Court ruling dealing with Exxon Various abuses of the “administrative state” that the Supreme Court is now aware of How China is targeting various…

With Sam Faddis, Karen Siegemund and Brian O’Shea

SAM FADDIS, Former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, Former Congressional Candidate, Editor, ANDMagazine.com, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis The shutting down of a Chinese “police station” in the United States What are these stations used for? How can an end to the Russia-Ukraine war come about? What is being done to stop…

With Amb. Yoram Ettinger, Peter Huessy and Faith McDonnell

YORAM ETTINGER, Former Minister for Congressional Affairs at Israel’s Embassy in DC, Consultant to Israeli and US legislators A recent meeting convened by Iran to try and expand their “sphere” all the way to the Mediterranean Analyzing the “vision” of the Ayatollahs of Iran What lead to a resumption of relations between Saudi Arabia and…

With Dr. Stephen Bryen, Wayne Allyn Root and Kevin Freeman

STEPHEN BRYEN, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy How the recently leaked intelligence documents could impact the United States’ relationship with Ukraine Does the United States have confidence in the Ukrainian military? What would happen if Ukraine ends up losing the war with Russia? Various ways in which Taiwan is “exposed” to China WAYNE ALLYN…

With Bradley Thayer and Bill Walton

BRADLEY THAYER, Director of China Policy, Center for Security Policy, Author, How China Sees the World  Is Xi Jinping trying to change international politics? Various diplomatic negotiations in March of 2023 involving the CCP Are some previous allies of the U.S. turning away and trusting China? The need for the U.S. to take steps in deterring a…

With Michele Bachman, Tyler O’Neil and Grant Newsham

MICHELE BACHMANN, Dean, Robertson School of Government at Regent University, former US Representative, Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, former State Senator, Minnesota, Author, “Care of Conviction: My Story,” @MicheleBachman The Biden administration’s desire to change the World Health Organization (WHO) and make it similar to the United States’ CDC The need to keep the U.S. “sovereign”…

With Capt. James Fanell and Col. John Mills

CAPT. JAMES FANELL, Retired Intelligence Officer for the Indo-Pacific, US Navy, former National Security Affairs Fellow, Hoover Institute A recent leak of classified U.S. military documents Why have previous leakers not been held accountable in the U.S.? A “breakdown of institutions” happening across American society What are the potential phases to a Chinese invasion of…

With Gordon Chang and Kyle Shideler

GORDON CHANG, Contributor, Gatestone Institute, Newsweek, Author, “The Coming Collapse of China,” “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes the World, “Losing South Korea,” and “The Great US-China Tech War,” @Gordongchang Is there a new partnership brewing between China and Russia? Is a war with China “coming home”? How is the Belt and Road progressing? Are the…

With Col. John Mills and Dr. Peter McCullough

COL. (RET.) JOHN MILLS, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Member, Committee on the Present Danger: China Would China attack U.S. bases or Taiwan first in the event of a kinetic conflict? The significance of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin’s recent meeting in Russia Financial tools the U.S. has at its disposal to counter China…

With Bradley Thayer

BRADLEY THAYER, Director of China Policy, Center for Security Policy, Author, How China Sees the World  Political warfare between the West and the Chinese Communist Party Is the CCP “illegitimate”? Comparing the Soviet Union to the modern-day CCP A new “link” between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Do U.S. military leaders understand the fundamental values of communism…

With David Wurmser, Bill Walton and Kevin Freeman

DAVID WURMSER, Director, Center for Security Policy’s Program on Global Anti-Semitism, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander The ongoing debate over Judicial Reform in Israel How the Israeli Supreme Court has increased its power in recent years Is Netanyahu at risk of losing his office? BILL WALTON,…

Stand with Israel, Not Leftists Imperiling Her

In Israel, radical leftists are literally bringing the country to a standstill to stop the long-needed and reasonable judicial reforms mandated in last November’s elections. Blockaded highways and now a general strike by transportation workers are endangering the country’s economy and security. The Biden administration, which endlessly professes its commitment to democracy, has been supporting…

With Robert Ilatov

ROBERT ILATOV, Israeli politician and member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu Why should Americans care about Israel? The struggle between “good and evil” with respect to the U.S. and Israel How Iran is responsible for exporting violence around the world Breakthroughs in water technology being discovered in Israel The issues with Judicial Reform being…

With Grant Newsham

GRANT NEWSHAM, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Senior Research Fellow, Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, Contributor, Asia Times, @NewshamGrant: An overview of the recent meeting between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin A Chinese “seal of approval” given to Putin A preview of Newsham’s upcoming book When China Attacks: A Message to America Is the People’s Liberation Army capable of…

With Ben Weingarten and Scott Powell

BEN WEINGARTEN, Federalist Senior Contributor, Senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, Fellow at the Claremont Institute, @bhweingarten How China has “lead the way” on the development of a central bank and digital currency Various issues with a universal digital currency Ilhan Omar being removed from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs SCOTT…

With Dr. Stephen Bryen, Bill Walton and Matt Williams

STEPHEN BRYEN, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy Has the United States’ support of Ukraine brought China and Russia closer? China’s desire to dominate the entire Asian region BILL WALTON, Host, The Bill Walton Show Are investors having second thoughts on investing in China? An update on the auditing practices of Chinese companies MATT WILLIAMS, Director of…