Secure Freedom Minute: Biden’s “Reviews” are Fiddling While China Policy Burns

America has a problem. Its most dangerous enemy ever, the Chinese Communist Party, is using virtually every available means to destroy us – including fomenting problems in our elections and internal strife in their aftermath.
Our President has a problem, too. He’s contracted the “Biden China Syndrome” and either wants to appease the CCP, or is being coerced by it to do so. Rather than simultaneously reversing all Donald Trump’s efforts to counter Beijing’s onslaught, however, he’s undoing some and announcing the rest are “under review.”
For example, Joe Biden’s reviewing: having Chinese equipment in our electric grid; letting Tiktok continue to hoover up Americans private data; and deciding whether the CCP is engaged in anti-Muslim genocide. Yesterday, he even announced a sweeping, “whole of government” review of our China policy.
Tragically, Biden’s reviews are the equivalent of Nero’s fiddling while Rome burned.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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