WEBCAST: China’s Dream, the World’s Nightmare


Our expert panel discusses our initial national security and human rights analysis of the threat posed by CCP’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the larger goal of Chinese world domination looming large on radar.

This groundbreaking report exposes the ominous growth of the People’s Republic of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

China’s Dream, the World’s Nightmare:
How the Chinese Communist Party is Colonizing and Enslaving the Planet.


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Seventeen of the 140 “BRI entrapped countries” and other emerging threats are contrasted to the CCP’s tyrannical treatment of the people and cultures in five formerly independent countries and autonomous regions now held enslaved and subject to detainment, torture and extermination by the Communist Party of China.

The world can no longer ignore the experience of a multitude of witnesses testifying to Communist China’s crimes against humanity and even genocide. The Captive Nations Coalition therefore puts forth urgent policy prescriptions needed to correct course.


Frank J. Gaffney | Vice Chair, Committee on the Present Danger: China (Moderator)
Se Hoon Kim | Director, Captive Nations Coalition
Julie Millsap | Director of Public Affairs and Advocacy, Campaign for Uyghurs
Baggio Leung | Former Hong Kong LegCo Member
Dr. Oluwasayo Ajiboye | President, Mission Africa International
Dede Laugesen | Executive Secretary, Committee on the Present Danger: China


Read More at Committee on the Present Danger: China