With Sam Faddis, Robert Charles and Vice Admiral John Bird

By Tim

SAM FADDIS, Former Clandestine Operations Officer, CIA, Former Congressional Candidate, Editor, ANDMagazine.com, Author, “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA,” @RealSamFaddis

  • The presence of Hamas in the United States
  • Is Hamas working with the CCP?

ROBERT CHARLES, Spokesman, Association of Mature American Citizens, Former Assistant Secretary, State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author, “Eagles and Evergreens,” @RCharles4USA

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VICE ADMIRAL JOHN BIRD, Senior Vice President for Military Affairs with USAA

  • A letter signed by 90+ former military officials about the importance of the U.S. strategic relationship with Israel