Securing America #28: “Controlled Opposition”

Brian Kennedy and Sam Faddis discuss widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election (Pt. I) Brian Kennedy and Sam Faddis discuss widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election (Pt. II) Steven Mosher discusses the Chinese…

Secure Freedom Minute: The FourHarridans of the Apocalypse

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes is best known as the leader of a radical House microcaucus dubbed “the Squad.”  Emboldened by the prospect of a like-minded presidency, its…

Secure Freedom Radio: With Jeff Nyquist

JEFF NYQUIST, Writer, Newsmax, WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, Financial Sense and Epoch Times, Author, “Origins of the Fourth World War and The New Tactics of Global War”: Part I:  “The Communists are at it, Again” by Jeff Nyquist; how Marxists are working to…

Democracy Dies in the Darkness

Democracy dies in the darkness. A darkness that kills like communism. A darkness that lies like Marxism. A darkness that steals like socialism. A darkness that destroys freedom. Democracy dies in the darkness. Will you…

Democracy Dies in the Darkness

Democracy dies in the darkness. A darkness that kills like communism. A darkness that lies like Marxism. A darkness that steals like socialism. A darkness that destroys freedom. Democracy dies in the darkness. Will you…

VIDEO: Friend of Wall Street and the CCP, Steve Mnuchin

Friend of Wall Street and the CCP, Steve Mnuchin Steven Mnuchin is the U.S. Treasury Secretary. Ostensibly, he works for the President and the American people. In fact, he works for Wall Street. That shouldn’t…